Fun Little Game With iPod
Thanks to Restaurant Gal for this one
How does the world see me? Emotional Rescue, the Rolling Stones
Will I have a happy life? The Red, Chevelle
Do people secretly lust after me? Angel, Aerosmith
How can I make myself happy? Let it Die, Foo Fighters
What should I do with my life? Sweet Child O' Mine, Guns N Roses
Will I ever have children? The Simple Life, Carolyn Dawn Johnson
What is some good advice for me? In Another Life, Ashlee Simpson (sorry apparently it's Wentz now according to People)
How will I be remembered? Sunday Morning, No Doubt
What is my signature dance song? Away From the Sun, Three Doors Down
What do I think my current theme song is? Sweet Dreams, LaBouche
What song will play at my funeral? Whiskey Lullaby, Brad Paisley and Alison Kraus (hmmm not sure whether I like the idea of that at my funeral)
What type of men do I like? Minority, Green Day
What is my day going to be like? If I Die Tomorrow, Motley Crue
Hmmm very strange, not sure I like this. Keep in mind this was a straight up shuffle, I didn't edit the songs to fit the questions.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
A Dramatic Weekend
Bro was sick this weekend. Started Friday and is still continuing. He was so out of it that he offered me twenty bucks to go get his girlfriend, ASA, from a neighboring suburb. No problem, I tell him I'm going for drinks with some friends then I'll go get her and bring her back to our place. Rather unfortunate for me as the next place for me to hit was a pub about five minutes from ASA's but being a nice sister I agree.
About ten minutes after I get to the first meeting place, ASA calls me freaking out. She tells me she is just going to take the bus to my place because (and I misunderstood this due to her accent), Bro has a fever of 107. She says she's going to take him to the hospital. How she was planning I'm not quite sure. So I call my mom (while my rational thought is kicking in to the thought that he would have been far far more out of it and not be able to tell me anything if his fever was really 107) telling her to go see him. She tells me his fever is actually 102.7 and that she gave him Advil to bring it down. So I head back in to finish my drink and pay my bill. Call ASA to tell her I'm on my way. Call Bro, who at this point sounds far far more with it than the hour before. He tells me he's fine. My response, "Well tell her that!". I pick up ASA and try to convince her all the way home that he's fine. So I drop her off and leave. When I get back later, I go out for a smoke with ASA. She's still freaked but at least not to the point of hospital. She says they're going to the doctor tomorrow. So the next day comes and apparently the walk-in clinic diagnosed an ulcer. Umm, not a doctor but seeing several problems with this. First of all tests need to be done to confirm the presence of the helicobactor pylori bacteria is present. Second of all ulcers generally don't cause fevers and aches and pains. The kid has a flu for the love of God! So tonight ASA comes over and yells at him (a small part of me loves when she yells at him simply due to the accent) that he will eat what she feeds him and drink what she gives him. Dude just ate and threw up dinner and his lunch before that. Oh I hear them leaving. It was a damn interesting fight. He's a bitch to argue with to begin with, don't try it when he's sick. You might as well be beating your head against a brick wall!
Bro was sick this weekend. Started Friday and is still continuing. He was so out of it that he offered me twenty bucks to go get his girlfriend, ASA, from a neighboring suburb. No problem, I tell him I'm going for drinks with some friends then I'll go get her and bring her back to our place. Rather unfortunate for me as the next place for me to hit was a pub about five minutes from ASA's but being a nice sister I agree.
About ten minutes after I get to the first meeting place, ASA calls me freaking out. She tells me she is just going to take the bus to my place because (and I misunderstood this due to her accent), Bro has a fever of 107. She says she's going to take him to the hospital. How she was planning I'm not quite sure. So I call my mom (while my rational thought is kicking in to the thought that he would have been far far more out of it and not be able to tell me anything if his fever was really 107) telling her to go see him. She tells me his fever is actually 102.7 and that she gave him Advil to bring it down. So I head back in to finish my drink and pay my bill. Call ASA to tell her I'm on my way. Call Bro, who at this point sounds far far more with it than the hour before. He tells me he's fine. My response, "Well tell her that!". I pick up ASA and try to convince her all the way home that he's fine. So I drop her off and leave. When I get back later, I go out for a smoke with ASA. She's still freaked but at least not to the point of hospital. She says they're going to the doctor tomorrow. So the next day comes and apparently the walk-in clinic diagnosed an ulcer. Umm, not a doctor but seeing several problems with this. First of all tests need to be done to confirm the presence of the helicobactor pylori bacteria is present. Second of all ulcers generally don't cause fevers and aches and pains. The kid has a flu for the love of God! So tonight ASA comes over and yells at him (a small part of me loves when she yells at him simply due to the accent) that he will eat what she feeds him and drink what she gives him. Dude just ate and threw up dinner and his lunch before that. Oh I hear them leaving. It was a damn interesting fight. He's a bitch to argue with to begin with, don't try it when he's sick. You might as well be beating your head against a brick wall!
Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol Finale
Ok it is no secret how much I love Idol. Unfortunately I missed the finale last night and had to tape (yes I do really mean on VHS) it. I was perusing my blog selection and half watching the performances when the Donna Summer Disaster came on. Ok honey, I like you for an eighties vibe. That's where the love stops. Give it up. Oh dear God! The one thing I liked about this whole performance was Donna and Seyesha performing "Last Dance". Wonderful. My fave DS song. Could have lived (and did by fast forwarding) without the rest of it. Congrats to David Cook, love you! And ok, Jimmy Kimmel is pretty funny.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
One Epic Day... And Generally Not in a Good Way
So much is changing at the moment. And not in my life, just most of my friends and family.
I have likely two weddings (of very close friends) to attend this summer. One set (A and N) I could not be happier about. The other set, C and R, I was happy about when R told me he was proposing. That all changed in February. He was taking a weekend trip to go see his dying mother (left on a Wed). For months before this he had been having an online affair with a woman he works with. He left the email account up on their computer when he left to see his mom. So of course after work C goes to check her own email and that's what she finds. By Friday I'm thinking that it's weird that she has left work early two days running. So I call and get the "I'm fine." line and muffled tears. So (and this has come back to bite me in the arse) I bully my way into her apartment (with pizza and alcohol) thinking that she's dying. Of course I managed to imagine all kinds of horrible diseases and deaths and had myself all worked up that she was dying by the time I got there. She (through tears) told me the whole story. I don't know if R knows that I know or not but needless to say things have not been the same between him and I since. I still want to physically cause him harm for making her so miserable (take note any of my sister's boyfriend's who are contemplating cheating). I am still so angry about it. And she made me swear not to say anything. So for months I have not had an outlet for all of this anger. I had to house sit for them and I would get so mad just seeing his stuff. I'm really not sure how to sit through their wedding and smile and say congratulations. I'm really not good at saying things like that when I don't mean them. I want to know why she told me (even though logically I know it's because I pushed my way in and asked). She didn't tell her mom or her daughter because she doesn't want them to look at him differently. I am (as much as I try to hide it) and extremely emotional person. I don't hide them well. I want to tell her daughter, because I know she would agree with me, but C would be so hurt, pissed off etc. I really have no idea what to do.
Also I learned tonight (after witnessing and extreme freak out on Chi's part) that Chi and her bf of two months are moving in together. Not like him moving into her place but actually getting a place of their own. Oh dear God, I foresee nothing but bad things from this. Part of me is slightly biased because he so so so creepily reminds me of one of my exes. His voice and mannerisms are so similar that I can't even handle it. I also think that is kind of funny since Chi could hated this particular ex of mine.
Now due to all of this stuff about R and C's wedding (I finally let it all lose on A today at work) I came home in a pisser of a mood. My poor dad. He was nice enough to have dinner ready when I got home, but when he cooks he has stuff everywhere. And he doesn't put anything away. Several hours later (just before I'm about to leave) he is sitting outside on the phone with my uncle and asks me to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Ok the compost is still on the counter and open where it has been for at least four hours. He has rinsed and dumped the dishes all over both sinks and the counter. Not to mention tried and failed to load the dishwasher earlier. How in the effing hell is it possible to make more of a mess attempting to clean up the mess? I don't get it. I called A to rant who apparently had the very same bitching session to N right before I called. We decided that no woman can ever understand it- it's a guy thing.
Oh and I also totally wasn't paying attention and let the gas go until I noticed stuff dripping on my foot. Gas all over the side of my car. Everywhere so know I must immediatly (re tomorrow after work) wash my car. Grr.
So much is changing at the moment. And not in my life, just most of my friends and family.
I have likely two weddings (of very close friends) to attend this summer. One set (A and N) I could not be happier about. The other set, C and R, I was happy about when R told me he was proposing. That all changed in February. He was taking a weekend trip to go see his dying mother (left on a Wed). For months before this he had been having an online affair with a woman he works with. He left the email account up on their computer when he left to see his mom. So of course after work C goes to check her own email and that's what she finds. By Friday I'm thinking that it's weird that she has left work early two days running. So I call and get the "I'm fine." line and muffled tears. So (and this has come back to bite me in the arse) I bully my way into her apartment (with pizza and alcohol) thinking that she's dying. Of course I managed to imagine all kinds of horrible diseases and deaths and had myself all worked up that she was dying by the time I got there. She (through tears) told me the whole story. I don't know if R knows that I know or not but needless to say things have not been the same between him and I since. I still want to physically cause him harm for making her so miserable (take note any of my sister's boyfriend's who are contemplating cheating). I am still so angry about it. And she made me swear not to say anything. So for months I have not had an outlet for all of this anger. I had to house sit for them and I would get so mad just seeing his stuff. I'm really not sure how to sit through their wedding and smile and say congratulations. I'm really not good at saying things like that when I don't mean them. I want to know why she told me (even though logically I know it's because I pushed my way in and asked). She didn't tell her mom or her daughter because she doesn't want them to look at him differently. I am (as much as I try to hide it) and extremely emotional person. I don't hide them well. I want to tell her daughter, because I know she would agree with me, but C would be so hurt, pissed off etc. I really have no idea what to do.
Also I learned tonight (after witnessing and extreme freak out on Chi's part) that Chi and her bf of two months are moving in together. Not like him moving into her place but actually getting a place of their own. Oh dear God, I foresee nothing but bad things from this. Part of me is slightly biased because he so so so creepily reminds me of one of my exes. His voice and mannerisms are so similar that I can't even handle it. I also think that is kind of funny since Chi could hated this particular ex of mine.
Now due to all of this stuff about R and C's wedding (I finally let it all lose on A today at work) I came home in a pisser of a mood. My poor dad. He was nice enough to have dinner ready when I got home, but when he cooks he has stuff everywhere. And he doesn't put anything away. Several hours later (just before I'm about to leave) he is sitting outside on the phone with my uncle and asks me to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Ok the compost is still on the counter and open where it has been for at least four hours. He has rinsed and dumped the dishes all over both sinks and the counter. Not to mention tried and failed to load the dishwasher earlier. How in the effing hell is it possible to make more of a mess attempting to clean up the mess? I don't get it. I called A to rant who apparently had the very same bitching session to N right before I called. We decided that no woman can ever understand it- it's a guy thing.
Oh and I also totally wasn't paying attention and let the gas go until I noticed stuff dripping on my foot. Gas all over the side of my car. Everywhere so know I must immediatly (re tomorrow after work) wash my car. Grr.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Weekdays... Sigh
Let it be known that I hate weekdays. Aside from the obvious facts of having to get up and go to work (with no internet might I add), because I have to get up so early I have absolutely no social life. Most people are either doing the same thing that I am, or off work at 9:30 so by the time they decide what to do and actually get there I'm like yeah I have to go home and go to bed. It's even worse with my dad starting this new job where he works nights because my mom doesn't like to be left alone. So what am I doing tonight, watching Idol (go David Cook!) followed up by Dancing With the Stars (Kristi and Mark). Sigh. This is my life. I guess I could take the dog out but without Dad's hat.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Time For Another
1) What was I doing 10 years ago? Just finishing grade 8. As my Mom says I was still normal then, not quite through the transition to horrendous teen
2) 5 things on my to-do list for today? Clean my bathroom; clean my car; grocery shopping; drink lots of coffee; sleep
3) Snacks I enjoy? Sugary goodness
4) Things I would do if I was a Billionaire? Donate some money, travel, volunteer
5) 3 of my many bad habits1. I cuss way to fucking much, smoking; watch too much tv
6) 5 places I have lived. Haven't lived in five places
7) Jobs I have had... pizza place, department store, auto supplier
8) People I want to know more about. No one, I know enough about too many people
1) What was I doing 10 years ago? Just finishing grade 8. As my Mom says I was still normal then, not quite through the transition to horrendous teen
2) 5 things on my to-do list for today? Clean my bathroom; clean my car; grocery shopping; drink lots of coffee; sleep
3) Snacks I enjoy? Sugary goodness
4) Things I would do if I was a Billionaire? Donate some money, travel, volunteer
5) 3 of my many bad habits1. I cuss way to fucking much, smoking; watch too much tv
6) 5 places I have lived. Haven't lived in five places
7) Jobs I have had... pizza place, department store, auto supplier
8) People I want to know more about. No one, I know enough about too many people
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Epic Long Weekends
Oh the epic long weekends! Friday was the Earls weekly dinner. This week it was at our house. Pops and Ed were a little tipsy, me I was just wondering how the eff I am related to these people. I know it's a horrible thing to say but really. That's ok, I'm sure Pops wonders that as he said that Bro and I are normal kids, normal disappointments. I told him I'm resigned to the fact that I am a disappointment, therefore I don't have to actually try for anything anymore. Meh whatjagonnado?
Saturday was supposed to be
the epic hike and barbecue. Oh was it ever epic. I was supposed to pick up A at 9:45, then meet CC and AS at 10. A calls me to say that some how N (who won't even walk a block to Denny's) is coming. Great means I don't have to drive. Then CC calls me (10 minutes before we're supposed to meet) to say that AS is still in the shower. So as promised, I text Chi to say we will be late. Then Chi calls CC who now figures that I have bitched to Chi. OMG, and this is all before we have even left. So we finally get there, and Chi, her new bf, N, A and I all meet. CC and AS who were following N, went their own way. SF, and M got lost then found CC and AS. CC got pissed (we all ended up on different sides of the mountain) and hung up on Chi so Chi stormed off. Great. So off we go on our hike (straight up and ridiculous). So long, so hot and tired when we got back to the cars.
Finally down to the barbecue. We all went to our own places to shower and sleep and junk before the barbecue. Oh thank God. I actually made it to the top of the stairs and decided that the shower was too far away so I collapsed at the top of the stairs. Ok must continue on to go buy the burgers and stuff for the barbecue. Do some quick firefighting (clean up from the CC/Chi call earlier) and ego-stroking. Ok good everyone still coming. Ok off to the store. Twenty minutes later back home and feeling like I haven't even showered. That's how bloody hot it was. Don't get me wrong, I love the heat. Oh the epicness!
From the barbecue we headed down to QE park to enjoy a couple hookahs. Hmmm interesting. Could have done without the hookah (takes to long for what you're getting from it) and the park. Really could have walked to several parks in the area or just stayed on the patio at my place. Oh well it was epic.
After all this epicness I think I need to spend today at home. Must clean up.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Since it is Mother's Day I guess I should do a shout out to the woman who birthed me.
Dear Mom,
Thank you for bringing me into this world. Thanks for the calm and peaceful three days off my life, and then the sheer hell (since both of us were miserable by the time 2 came along). Thank you for your undying love (try as I may have to push it away in my teens) and the constant understandings (even when I made you cry).
My mom laughed with me, at me, around me, or just whenever. She fought with me when I needed to fight, she pushed me when I needed a push. She drove me anywhere I needed to go and gave me her keys when I was older. She drove for an hour at two in the morning to pick me up, and then drove me back the next day to get my car.
No one could be a better Mom, so I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day
Since it is Mother's Day I guess I should do a shout out to the woman who birthed me.
Dear Mom,
Thank you for bringing me into this world. Thanks for the calm and peaceful three days off my life, and then the sheer hell (since both of us were miserable by the time 2 came along). Thank you for your undying love (try as I may have to push it away in my teens) and the constant understandings (even when I made you cry).
My mom laughed with me, at me, around me, or just whenever. She fought with me when I needed to fight, she pushed me when I needed a push. She drove me anywhere I needed to go and gave me her keys when I was older. She drove for an hour at two in the morning to pick me up, and then drove me back the next day to get my car.
No one could be a better Mom, so I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Fundraising for Olympic Athletes... Mike Leigh
I went to a fundraiser for a local Olympic athlete today. Mike Leigh (read his blog here) is going to Bejing this summer as a laser sailor. For about an hour I watched kids and adults alike donating money to Mike's dream and challenging him to the WI. When it was my turn I gave up on the hour of bowling I watched and made him play baseball with me. Unfortunately Mike won the game (1-0) but it was a great game.
Mike is an avid sailor, very passionate about his sport. He explained the differences between different types of sailing to me (I had no idea there was so many), and told me all about his travels and competitions. Of course the second I found out he had a blog I latched right onto him. Check the above, or the link on the side to read about Mike's adventures in sailing and travels. Good luck with your future endeavors Mike. We're all behind you for Beijing and beyond!
For more information about Mike's Olympic journey and other HBC fundraising initiatives please click here, or visit your local HBC store.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
When it Rains it Freaking Pours
I have gone a lovely couple weekends with no plans or fly by the seat of your pants weekends. Which were both wonderful because I really really needed the low keyness. So did lovely Mama because Daddy is now on four nights and she didn't want to spend Saturday night by herself. Great all around. This weekend not so much, I have inventory tomorrow night... skipping that (and the beautiful OT pay cheque) to go to my uncle's Mother's Day barbecue. Which has to be on Fri since Daddy is working Saturday and Sunday night. Great, tell boss not staying cheque. Oh also buy boss lunch and a 6-pack tomorrow for his birthday. Right must remember this. Saturday is work, Kayla's birthday and EZ plans since we haven't seen each other in over a week. Also another birthday and a couple other friend's that I haven't seen in ages. Oh how sleeping, eating and showering (totally joking I will always make time to shower) are becoming fond memories.
I have gone a lovely couple weekends with no plans or fly by the seat of your pants weekends. Which were both wonderful because I really really needed the low keyness. So did lovely Mama because Daddy is now on four nights and she didn't want to spend Saturday night by herself. Great all around. This weekend not so much, I have inventory tomorrow night... skipping that (and the beautiful OT pay cheque) to go to my uncle's Mother's Day barbecue. Which has to be on Fri since Daddy is working Saturday and Sunday night. Great, tell boss not staying cheque. Oh also buy boss lunch and a 6-pack tomorrow for his birthday. Right must remember this. Saturday is work, Kayla's birthday and EZ plans since we haven't seen each other in over a week. Also another birthday and a couple other friend's that I haven't seen in ages. Oh how sleeping, eating and showering (totally joking I will always make time to shower) are becoming fond memories.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Our Epic Fiesta Adventure
Ok I'm pretty sure we called it fiesta with the intention of something close. Really didn't really do it. Well M and I sure enjoyed several of our wonderfully made Jose margaritas! And the tacos... oh Old El Paso how we love thee. SF pretty well paced M and I only he was on to the gin and tonic combo. By the time CC and AS got there M and I were well well on our way to tequila induced drunkenness. AS decides that we are all full out committing to hookah. Hmmm I was thinking (especially when the tequila effects were gone) of heading home but sure lets go. We have to go to AS's to pick up the hookah (about 20 minutes east) and then downtown to get supplies. Since CC is the only sober one she's a driving. So SF, M and I all cram into the back seat and somehow started talking about Neil Diamond and how M and her mom are going to his concert. Lol we started singing Sweet Caroline and could only remember all of five words. CC and AS decided we were too drunk to get out of the car (hey we were just singing and having a rather jovial time) so we sang some more. Just about everything was to the tune of Sweet Caroline until we hit Feliz Navidad. That's right... you did read that right. Our epic adventure continued (sadly without tequila) until about 3 in the morning and included watching Aladdin. Yeah Aladdin.
Saturday, May 03, 2008

Random Photo Night
The other night was such a beautiful night that I decided we had to take advantage and do a photo night. We decided on a park nearby my house (which allowed me to take the dog too since he hadn't been out in awhile). We spent about an hour at the park taking all kinds of amazing photos. After all of our batteries died we took the dog through the forest quickly. The forest comes out to a sidewalk on a slightly busy road. We stood around talking for awhile and watched a woman (whom we didn't know lived right beside the park) drive by and give us a "look". After the "look" we decided to head back to my place. Since EZ, CHI, and H (Chi's bf) drove and I had the dog, I started to walk back. As I did a firetruck (yummy) drove by. I yelled to EZ who yelled to the passing firemen! They honked and played it up. The woman who we all figured was disapproving laughed and commented to me about getting cheap thrills. Lol surprise surprise!
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