Epic Long Weekends
Oh the epic long weekends! Friday was the Earls weekly dinner. This week it was at our house. Pops and Ed were a little tipsy, me I was just wondering how the eff I am related to these people. I know it's a horrible thing to say but really. That's ok, I'm sure Pops wonders that as he said that Bro and I are normal kids, normal disappointments. I told him I'm resigned to the fact that I am a disappointment, therefore I don't have to actually try for anything anymore. Meh whatjagonnado?
Saturday was supposed to be
the epic hike and barbecue. Oh was it ever epic. I was supposed to pick up A at 9:45, then meet CC and AS at 10. A calls me to say that some how N (who won't even walk a block to Denny's) is coming. Great means I don't have to drive. Then CC calls me (10 minutes before we're supposed to meet) to say that AS is still in the shower. So as promised, I text Chi to say we will be late. Then Chi calls CC who now figures that I have bitched to Chi. OMG, and this is all before we have even left. So we finally get there, and Chi, her new bf, N, A and I all meet. CC and AS who were following N, went their own way. SF, and M got lost then found CC and AS. CC got pissed (we all ended up on different sides of the mountain) and hung up on Chi so Chi stormed off. Great. So off we go on our hike (straight up and ridiculous). So long, so hot and tired when we got back to the cars.
Finally down to the barbecue. We all went to our own places to shower and sleep and junk before the barbecue. Oh thank God. I actually made it to the top of the stairs and decided that the shower was too far away so I collapsed at the top of the stairs. Ok must continue on to go buy the burgers and stuff for the barbecue. Do some quick firefighting (clean up from the CC/Chi call earlier) and ego-stroking. Ok good everyone still coming. Ok off to the store. Twenty minutes later back home and feeling like I haven't even showered. That's how bloody hot it was. Don't get me wrong, I love the heat. Oh the epicness!
From the barbecue we headed down to QE park to enjoy a couple hookahs. Hmmm interesting. Could have done without the hookah (takes to long for what you're getting from it) and the park. Really could have walked to several parks in the area or just stayed on the patio at my place. Oh well it was epic.
After all this epicness I think I need to spend today at home. Must clean up.
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