Wednesday, October 25, 2006

New Blog

As the title states, this is a new blog for me. My previous (and still existing blog) can be found here. I let one of my friends know about my formerly anonymous blog so I had to create a new one. I will still update both on a regular basis.

Today's observation will be on XBF. Met XBF at the pub tonight. Been awhile since we've talked so I figured why not eh. After an hour I had heard the same stories for the billionith time and he kept giving me the same old puppy dog look. I remembered why I broke up with him. Every once in awhile I will wonder if I should have stayed with him. So I'll call him up, we'll go out and I will remember exactly why we are 'just friends'.

*Update* I have already gotten another text from him saying that he wants to hang out again. I will get about 6 of these this week and a couple next week until I actually decide to see him again. This is a major reason why we broke up in the first place

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