Sunday, July 06, 2008

Old Fashioned Quirks
I have a number of what most of my friends and family calls my old fashion quirks. My cell phone is a phone/address book. Therefore a carry a beautiful pale green leather notebook and a pen in my purse. I don't use any computer systems for an actual address book. I have one. I purchased it about two years ago. It is grey and full of beautiful black and white photos of Paris. I actually print off documents and have two major filing systems (and 3 large filing containers) throughout my office. I still love my VCR (who needs TIVO?). I still have (and have printed) photographs around my house (including several scrapbooks and go old fashioned photo albums). I still have my old 35mm SLR camera. I love film. I still have (and use regularly) my CD player (in the bedroom, living room, car and pretty much everywhere). On that note I love Cd's. I still make them (using iTunes), and buy the actual disc from stores such as HMV. I prefer reading the newspaper (shock actual paper) every morning compared to scanning news websites. I can't stand audio books. Come on people pick up a book and read it, chances are (if it's a good story) you will love it! Even when books become scanning a computer screen I will still have, own, and purchase books (even hardcover). What OFQ's do you have?

1 comment:

Diva said...

I don't do electronic anything other than blog. I'm not technologically inclined.