Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Epic Day... And Generally Not in a Good Way
So much is changing at the moment. And not in my life, just most of my friends and family.

I have likely two weddings (of very close friends) to attend this summer. One set (A and N) I could not be happier about. The other set, C and R, I was happy about when R told me he was proposing. That all changed in February. He was taking a weekend trip to go see his dying mother (left on a Wed). For months before this he had been having an online affair with a woman he works with. He left the email account up on their computer when he left to see his mom. So of course after work C goes to check her own email and that's what she finds. By Friday I'm thinking that it's weird that she has left work early two days running. So I call and get the "I'm fine." line and muffled tears. So (and this has come back to bite me in the arse) I bully my way into her apartment (with pizza and alcohol) thinking that she's dying. Of course I managed to imagine all kinds of horrible diseases and deaths and had myself all worked up that she was dying by the time I got there. She (through tears) told me the whole story. I don't know if R knows that I know or not but needless to say things have not been the same between him and I since. I still want to physically cause him harm for making her so miserable (take note any of my sister's boyfriend's who are contemplating cheating). I am still so angry about it. And she made me swear not to say anything. So for months I have not had an outlet for all of this anger. I had to house sit for them and I would get so mad just seeing his stuff. I'm really not sure how to sit through their wedding and smile and say congratulations. I'm really not good at saying things like that when I don't mean them. I want to know why she told me (even though logically I know it's because I pushed my way in and asked). She didn't tell her mom or her daughter because she doesn't want them to look at him differently. I am (as much as I try to hide it) and extremely emotional person. I don't hide them well. I want to tell her daughter, because I know she would agree with me, but C would be so hurt, pissed off etc. I really have no idea what to do.

Also I learned tonight (after witnessing and extreme freak out on Chi's part) that Chi and her bf of two months are moving in together. Not like him moving into her place but actually getting a place of their own. Oh dear God, I foresee nothing but bad things from this. Part of me is slightly biased because he so so so creepily reminds me of one of my exes. His voice and mannerisms are so similar that I can't even handle it. I also think that is kind of funny since Chi could hated this particular ex of mine.

Now due to all of this stuff about R and C's wedding (I finally let it all lose on A today at work) I came home in a pisser of a mood. My poor dad. He was nice enough to have dinner ready when I got home, but when he cooks he has stuff everywhere. And he doesn't put anything away. Several hours later (just before I'm about to leave) he is sitting outside on the phone with my uncle and asks me to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Ok the compost is still on the counter and open where it has been for at least four hours. He has rinsed and dumped the dishes all over both sinks and the counter. Not to mention tried and failed to load the dishwasher earlier. How in the effing hell is it possible to make more of a mess attempting to clean up the mess? I don't get it. I called A to rant who apparently had the very same bitching session to N right before I called. We decided that no woman can ever understand it- it's a guy thing.

Oh and I also totally wasn't paying attention and let the gas go until I noticed stuff dripping on my foot. Gas all over the side of my car. Everywhere so know I must immediatly (re tomorrow after work) wash my car. Grr.

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