Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Every Continuing Observations of Crazies!! My Friends Included
First off, Happy St Patricks Day to all... Slainte.
Seeing how it is the weekend before St Pats, A and I decided to get everyone together and head to a semi-local Irish pub. A and I (N had to work) headed out areound 5:50ish since neither of us wanted to eat standing up. I had told everyone to meet us there at 6:30. By 6:40 A and I are well through our first pint and our appy is just arriving (we decided screw those who can't be on time). CC and M show up at this point. A and I are still at our little table for 2 since no one else has left yet. Our waitress comes by to tell us that the customers in the other room are leaving shortly and to go talk to them for the table. Unfortuanatly (and several harsh words and close to a brawl with some fat ugly biotches) we didn't get the table. Sigh we got stuck at a little table directly under the tv and at the top of the stairs with not enough chairs for all. AS ended up sitting with CC, SF and EZ were on stools nearly a foot above the table. By 9:30 AS was bitching that he was hot and where's the bill, where are we going blah blah blah. Normally I get along fine with AS but this diva (he's a pretty pretty boy too... takes longer than I do to get ready) was driving me nuts. A and I had figured we'd party at the pub till around 1 and then head home. Btw AS if you are that hot take off your damn coat and sit on your own freaking chair! Anways night ended at my place with AS, EZ, CC and I playing Rock Band. Best part was after they left when my bro's friends came back and the boys and I created a killer band.

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