Sunday, March 09, 2008

The World as I Know It... Or Well the Weekend of Sickness, Rockband and Improv
Friday Morning
Woke up this morning feeling as though I swallowed a fist full (ok several) of glass. Minimal voice action. Fabulous, I answer phones for a living. That's ok though. Get to work to hear the why did you come in blah blah blah spiel. Then a customer bought me a bottle of Benilyn cuz he didn't want to listen to me hack everytime he called or came in. Aww very sweet. A just rolled her eyes and told me not to come in tomorrow.
After work Duts and I headed for our halfway between bdays mani and pedi. Very nice indeed. Although I have to admit that it really creeped me out that they used the same spongy toe divider things that they had used on the woman next to me when I had come it. Eeew! Thank God I paid the extra to have a french so they didn't both with the divider things.
Go to work in the morning anyways. Again get the why are you here you're sick spiel. After I work I went home and guzzled a full pot of coffee and proceeded to read the entire new JD Robb book in one afternoon. Fabulous book. A perfectly mushy moment for romantics too. During the course of this afternoon my brother and his friends come home with Rockband and a PS3. So fabulous. Musical talent apparently doesn't run in our family. As I was listening to my brother belt out Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive I realized that he is worse than I am and I'm freaking tone deaf. Yes yes a very interesting afternoon indeed.
Later in the evening CC and I decided to go to an improv show. We chose Improv Extreme that is supposedly uncensored. So CC, AS, and Chi show up at my house (and of course have a laugh at the Rockband gong show that can be heard loud and clear to anyone in the vicinity of my house). We all pile in to my car (let me tell you 5 people in a Mazda 3 very squishy), grab EZ and head down to the theatre. Upon our arrival (around 45min before show time) I call S to see if her and J are actually coming and where they are. S tells me they are but they have to drop off J's friend (in a suburb about 1 hour away). Ah sorry S not going to make it, maybe next time. The Improv show actually not extreme at all... the only difference between Extreme and the early show is that in addition to S*** and A**, they can now say F*** and B****. BFD! The highlight of the show was someone in the audience yelling out "Do a scene about mullets!". So the actors did an unflattering take on mullets. Best part... about 10 seats down from AS was a guy with a mullet.... clearly unimpressed. Effing hilarious!

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