Monday, March 17, 2008

An Obsession With Lists... Aaah But It's An Observational List
Ok so I appear to have an obsession with lists lately. I flip flopped back and forth over what to make this list. I orginally wanted to do pet peeves but then I decided that maybe to negative. So maybe the love list. No too happy for my current life. So since so so many Metro drivers have been irritating the hell out of me lately here is my (admittedly long) list of Metro driving... bad habits. Keep in mind they are in no particular order. I really have no way off knowing which will iritate me more.
1. Turn signals. Use them. All I'm going to say
2. When you are in a parking lot, park, don't be the d-bag that must pull over in the middle of the main lane through the parking lot. To summarize it is called a parking lot for a reason. You should try it some time.
3. On that note, pay attention to what is behind you when backing out of your impossibly small parking spot in your even more ridiculously small car.
4. Don't cut into the turning lane part way through the lane. Go right from the start. This is how accidents happen.
5. When you are turning you do not need to take up the entire effing lane! (ok so this may be slightly more of an iritant that some other habits). You do not either sit in the middle of the lane or pull to the right when turning left effectively preventing anyone from passing you while you wait for an opening the size of France to come to you.
6. When you pass a large white sign that says 70 Km/H that means you must drive at least 70! 50 doesn't cut it. If you can't do 70 get out of the way.
7. The left lane is the passing lane, not the la la la I'm going to drive 50 in a 70 zone.
8. Stop the moving roadblocks. See number 7 for rules on the left lane. If two of you are driving 50 Km/H then you should be one behind the other not effing beside each other
9. The merging lane is exactly that. The reason they are long is so that you can build up your speed, NOT SLAM ON YOUR BRAKES beacuse the cars that are doing 110 on the freeway are scaring you. DON'T DRIVE ON THE FREEWAY THEN! YOU ARE GOING TO GET ME KILLED. At the same time, the merging lanes are long, drive to the end of the lane (seemingly a foreign concept in Metro) and then merge with traffic on the freeway. Life would be a lot simpler when people do this.
10. Green means go. Not stop, not sit here and think about whatever else. GO! And while we are discussing colours red means stop. Not the light isn't changing I'm going. Relax it will change (usually fairly quickly).
11. Don't cut me off/ turn in front of me and drive slow. WTF is the matter with people to do that. If you have that much of a lack of depth perception you shouldn't be driving.
12. Although I speed, I will drive the 30 Km/H in school zones. Stop tailgating me! For that matter take your life (not mine) in your hands and pass me if it pisses you off that much.

If we can all follow simple rules like this, all of our (and I will be much happier should this ever happen) insurance rates will not be as high and there will be less accidents. Seems like a pretty clear choice.

Must add Update (since they can't comment I will)
I emailed this list as well. A couple responses
Rass said effing brilliant and that she couldn't have said it better herself.
Chi added a full out rant of her own expanding on several of the options above

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